Electrolyte Dosing

Our expertise lies in efficiently filling capacitors or batteries with electrolyte. Using our custom ceramic pumping solution, we can achieve a dosing rate of 8+ liters in 5 seconds.

This pumping solution can operate continuously, 24/7, and complete millions of cycles without maintenance, making it ideal for mass production battery manufacturing. In multi-channel applications, we can accurately fill each cavity at the same rate, eliminating the risk of bending channel dividers and ensuring equal fill amounts. This solution also accounts for potential crystallization, no need for valves that can be problematic and incorporates automatic purging feature to not allow buildup to the dispense tips.

For milliliter-scale applications, we utilize vacuum chambers and needle valves, as well as pressure-over-liquid methods. 

CASE STUDY EXAMPLE: Battery dosing system 


Our customer had designed an innovative renewable battery that could efficiently store energy. However, their current battery dosing system was unreliable and required 60 seconds to fill the battery, creating a bottleneck in the manufacturing line.  


Arimation was contracted to solve this battery dosing problem. To de-risk the project, Arimation engineers evaluated over a dozen pumping solutions and tested proof of concepts before selecting Z-Axis to meet the 24/7 reliability, 10 second cycle time and corrosive resistant material requirements.  In addition to the critical pump component, the solution included the Camco conveyance system, Rockwell PLC and TEKNIC Servo on the pumps. 


As a result of this new battery dosing system, the customer will reduce fill time by 80%, eliminate the manufacturing line bottleneck, and provide a safe environment for its workforce.  


Micro Part Handling